Enerven began as a division of SA Power Networks and over 15 years has grown to become a proven expert in the development of major infrastructure, energy and telecommunication solutions.
We were engaged to help raise the brand awareness of Enerven and help consolidate all internal and external communications collateral. This included streamlining both the visual and verbal representation of Enerven across a diverse range of applications to consistently communicate who they are, what they do, where they do it, and importantly how they do it.
Enerven has two dedicated business divisions - Energy Infrastructure and Energy Solutions- under which 12 specific departments operate. These departments sometimes work independently of each other, other times collaborating on various projects. It was essential that the material we developed was flexible and seamless across both business units and information to clients could be tailored to meet their needs and expectations. It was essential that the copy’s tone, style and content was consistent to ensure Enerven’s voice could be easily recognised.
Capability statements outlining these departments were designed and developed, neatly housed in a generic folder. In addition to this, a stand alone corporate profile was designed to provide a holistic view of Enerven’s history and service areas.
A series of 12 specific icons were created during the course of the project, designed to represent each service department within Enerven’s two business divisions and assist with recognition across all promotional materials, from website, capability statements and corporate profile. Simple line illustrations were developed taking design cues from the Enerven logo.
We expanded and consolidated the current brand guidelines, with a focus on creating consistent internal documentation - from memos, document reports, powerpoint displays, cv’s, case studies and the like, all of which were provided as master templates.
This project has helped build Enerven’s brand recognition, defined the business and its offering to greater extent and has stimulated its customers through clear and engaging communications.
Brand Strategy
Brand Extension